

small update featuring early stages of writings. also its blue now because whatever. more soon!


and suddenly life takes a turn. to be honest i've been spending so much time working the past few weeks i've had no time to website. well, that's not entirely true. i've been feeling pretty unmotivated to do anything i'm passionate about. anhedonia. in about two weeks i should have more freetime to revisit my site update. until then expect only minor changes ^-^. ciao


some type of update is owed, but i assure you i have been working energetically on the next "phase" of this site. as my personal site, i always envisioned it hosting all of my artistic ventures, as well as, in a more meta sense, feeling like me. i am currently working on the infastructure for hosting works of poetry, essays, and short stories dating back to 2019. i chose to experiment with the infastructure a bit and try something brand new. thus, it has taken me longer than i expected to finish. however, i see the finish line now, and the project is nearly complete. i may push the update missing some of the works, to be steadily added later. the process of moving everything over is time-consuming. the moral of this log: new thins soon. very soon.


new chains!!!! and some other misc edits. big things coming soon i promise but today i am tired T^T


happy march everyone ^^! i just updated and fixed the button placement on the about page, added some comments to the css file for organization, changed the links to work within the website instead of loading new webpages, and made other misc. improvements. currently beginning work on a page to host writings.

- 2/26/23 -

huge site update! let me know what you think. not everything is in the right place just yet but i do like the layout in general. going to rework some of the subpages to match the new main page. much to do much to do...

- 2/22/23 -

been working on a complete overhaul of the layout of the site (offline). big things will be coming soon! in the meantime, added a marquee of some song lyrics. had a dream about that one, lots of weird connections with it. also been doing some javascript on the side. its so hard! hoping to incorporate it here (maybe a game that can be played ^^) but not ready yet.

- 2/14/23 -

did some light coding yesterday and today, continuing to tweak minor aspects of the layout for different viewport sizes. also began working on an interests page to hopefully encapsulate some aspects about myself. its difficult to talk about things you like when you finally have the opportunity to. left work early to get ready for valentine's day celebrations. my girlfriend still hasn't told me what we're doing tonight but i'm excited.

- 2/11/23 -

took a few days off from messing with the site to practice some javascript. its way more complicated than html/css but it's really not that bad and i've been enjoying what i've been doing so far. today i tweaked with the media queries to make it a bit nicer looking on mobile and i'm pretty happy with it. it works at least. also changed some of the button styling and made it so the button on this page is fixed at the bottom. i've found that coding straight inside of neocities is a huge pain as the site doesn't update automatically, so i've been coding in external software and copy/pasting over here. maybe i should pay for this site so i can mount the files to my computer directly.

valentine's day is right around the corner and i bought some things today. i'm actually pretty excited for it. this week was a good one.

- 2/7/23 -

added a return button here. have a basic idea of what the main page will look like as mobile friendly. implemented some media queries to respond to different screen sizes. not great but its a start. can't get flex-boxes to flex the way i need to for my mobile idea to work so will probably get help. had a good day and bought a new chair. found some nice pants at a thrift store. maybe i should appreciate the little things more.

- 2/6/23 -

did a lot of research into using alternative units in my css (em, rem, vw, vh). my current top priority is making my website more mobile friendly and responsive to different screen sizes in general, so this research has helped quite a lot. i've already changed the width to the logs to be 75ch as i read this is optimal for typography. who knew? next up is redoing the main page, but i'm finding it difficult to imagine a way in which it would truly look "mobile friendly". maybe a complete rework is in order? so soon!?

- 2/5/23 -

created the about page and spent way too long centering the text. will update with more info later. also made logs page and added this.

- 2/2/23 -

finished basic structure of main page and added entry page. working on about and logs.